Red Stripe "Jamaican Lager" Someone Says:Red Stripe Jamaican lager is brewed and bottled by Desnoes & Geddes Limited, Kingston, Jamaica, and has been since 1928. In 1993, Guinness Bass acquired the company and manages the importation to the United States.
What can I say? Red Stripe is liquid gold. It comes in stout 12 ounce bottles of dark glass. The beer itself is very light and very smooth with just a hint of bitterness in the light aftertaste. It can create quite a bit of foam, so be careful when pouring it, though I must say it is best drank straight from the bottle.
Red Stripe typically costs about three dollars more per six pack than American beers such as Budweiser and Coors. The notable difference is that Red Stripe has a better balance of malt and hops which give it a cleaner, smoother taste with less aftertaste. It is a bit sweet and is definitely worth the extra three dollars when you want a crisp, light-bodied beer.
I was introduced to Red Stripe originally by reading The Firm by John Grisham. The protagonist, Mitch McDeere, travels to the Cayman Islands for work related business and has several Red Stripe beers for a fair share of money at a bar on the beach. I was intrigued, but it wasn't until five years later while at a friend's home that I was offered a Red Stripe. The name immediately rang a bell and I took the opportunity happily. Since then, I've drank only Red Stripe and Corona: Red Stripe when I can afford it and Corona when I can't.
Lagunitas "Censored".....
Sold As:
Six 12 ounce bottles
Net contents:
22 fluid ounces of Malt, Hops, Yeast, and water.
The Censored
Rich Copper Ale
This ale contains no actual copper but we're pretty literal... It looked coppery, so we lamely called it a copper ale. Lots'a nice caramel malt though...
Alcohol 5.9% by volume
Unlimited Release
Anyway, we were going out to, uh,the ,uh, you know, thing, and all, and when we got there, well, uh, the dude was, like- "whoa man!" I mean, and we were all, uh, you know - "whoa!" and stuff, and when I said to him, like, you know, "hey man", and all they, I mean he, was all "what?" and stuff- and I just told him what you said and all and they were all man- "not cool dude", but whatever- so, uh, we split and went back to my lair and just hung out and whatever, but the whole thing was, like, just SUCH a bummer and all but, you know, it was cool and stuff, but you just gotta, you know, about the dude and all, like, it's cool and all you know, but what's up with that "blah blah blah"? Whatzit got to do with beer and all? I mean, really, dude, whatever...but, it's cool and all...
Say "LAH-GOO-KNEE-TUSS" What can I say...Just try it!!
Well, Lagunitas was a good choice, but Red Stripe? Are you fucking kidding me? More like urine in a bottle, not "liquid gold". Jesus, learn your beers.
Well "Mr. Beer" according to "The Bros." at beer advocate they give Red Stripe a "B- worthy". So maybe you missed the boat on this one....just keep in mind that you and your pinhead friends are not the only beer drinkers in the world, nor do your opinions matter a whole lot when it comes to the rest of us and what "we" find enjoyable. Lighten up, its just beer. And I love the fact that I can go to Salt and get a huge variety of "all" kinds of beer, even ones that are not worthy of "Mr. Beer". Different strokes for different folks.
Thank you anonymous! I think you hit it on the head. Though Mr. Beer, I can respect your views, and understand you have a much more refined palate for beer then the average beer drinker, sometimes people just want a decent beer to drink and not one to savor and review and look at and swirl and smell and compare and analyze and break down its flavors and measure the head and which hops were used or which malts, or what food pairs up well with it, or what others might think if they saw them drinking it, or what style glass it was served in, or what weather it is best to drink it in, or how many awards it has won, or the head brewers pedigree, or what beer advocate says about it...or any of this. Sometimes people just want a beer, a nice cold beer. But that is of course that is just my unrfined opinion.
Sorry to say Beer Guy, (I am also a "Beer guy), that I have to agree here with the others. For one, on a nice summer day I really enjoy a Red Stripe. Goes well with a burger or just a lawn mowing beer. I agree that it is not up there with a Belgian by any means, but no-one is confusing it with a top beer. It is what it is, and for what it is I think it's pretty good. Beer snobs need to not be so preachy about what is good and what is not. Beer is made to enjoy, and the reason there are so many styles is there are that many different tastes. Also agree Lagunitas, Very Nice! One other thing, don't look a gift horse in the mouth. In other words, Salt is the only place around offering anything close to choice, so I say drink what YOU like and let others drink what THEY like. As far as I am concerned, Brad, you guys just keep doing what you are doing and you'll be fine, peple love your stuff. Nuff said.
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