I'm back in full force now after a stint back in the Salt kitchen. Chef Tony was away on a mini vacation "researching" for a few days and I was covering for him at the stoves. I have to say it was alot of fun being back on the line again, but line work is definitely a "young" mans game...I was tired. But now I am back here, getting things together for fun here at Salt. Here are some of the things we have lined up....
MUSIC: This Friday we have Mr BD Lenz again who has just been smokin' here at Salt...It really has been great. He'll also be with us on Fri Aug 1. Then on Sat Aug 2nd, and Sat Aug 9th we have "Briz" ( www.brizsongs.com ) A man and his guitar..should be awesome!
Fri Aug 15th we have the Gashouse Gorillas ( www.gashousegorillas.org ) who will bring their "Swing" to the Salt floor...again, should be an awesome show.
SPORTS: We will have the NFL Ticket this fall, so come in and catch all you favorites...Watch the NFL Champ Giants, or check out "BIG CRYBABY" Brett Favre and see where he'll be playing (my guess is Tampa Bay) or you can even come in and watch the Jets lose week after week if thats your thing.
We will also have Notre Dame Gameday every Saturday. Come on in for bar menu specials, $2.00 McSorley Pints, and give-aways...Even if you despise The Irish, you can't beat the cheap beer and great food!!
FUN: We will be hosting "Talent Nights" here at Salt as well every other Tuesday starting Aug. 12th at around 9:00pm. Bring your guitar, your dancing shoes, your ventriloquist dummy, your 35 goldfish, or whatever your talent may be, and have an opportunity to call yourself "Byram's Best" (at least for those 2 weeks) and have a chance to win a very handsome ribbon and prizes! Bring your friends for what should be a great night of fun!
Aug 30th will be Salts "Grand Opening" party with music, give-aways, BEER, food, and fun. But the highlight will be "THE FIRST ANNUAL SALTY DOG LABOR DAY HOT DOG EATING CONTEST". This will give the winner bragging rights for an entire year as well as a very handsome trophy to keep forever. Slots will be limited to 50 for the contest, all details and sign ups are available at Salt. All proceeds from the contest are being donated to the Lakeland Emergency Squad. Sign up early, slots will fill fast!
Oh, and that's just the beginning. There is alot more planned for the rest of summer and this fall...keep checking here and on the web-site www.saltgastropub.com
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