Here is just something that happened a few weeks ago and thought I'd share because it really made all of us here almost pee our pants!
Well, let me start by saying we get quite a few salmon delivered here at Salt almost daily. That being said, we are left with quite a few salmon "heads" when we are done butchering them in the kitchen, and we're always looking for fun things to do with them. These fun things might include like finding a waiters keys and hiding one in one's car, or strategically placing one above a cracked door, or maybe putting one in the bottom of a dish-dawgs sink. Well, on said night, one of the kitchen staff thought it might be funny to tie one of the heads to the bumper of one of the waiters, whom will remain anonymous, (Erions)car. So after securely tieing the head with butchers twine to the car, with about 20' of extra length, the plan was hatched. So on a Sat night after work, said waiter pulled out of the parking lot and proceeded to drive about 20 mins home north on 206. Could you just imagine being behind this guy with a string attached to his car and dragging home a fish head?
Apparently he made it all the way home before realizing he had something attached to his car, and it was still intact.....Just one of those funny restaurant things....You're a good sport Mr. Erion!
I love this business.
I think I just peed myself. Thats funny stuff. Reinforces(?) my dull existence in the corporate world.
I heard that a trail of cats followed him home. He's like our local Pied Piper!
Can't wait to visit you guys again, probably tomorrow night. Save me a cupcake! Or two . . .
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