Phelps did "Good" but David O'Conner is THE MAN!! First of all look at that trophy compared to that puny medal. And let's also remember, David has to defend his title EVERY YEAR, Phelps only has to every 4 years. David trained hard, and it showed on game day, downing 8 hot dogs and buns in 7 mins in the "1st Annual Salty Dawg Labor Day Weekend Hot Dog Eating Contest". Here he is proudly displaying his trophy after the contest, walking it around Salt with his chest all puffed out, showing it off to the kitchen staff and rubbing it in the faces of all of the other "Scarfers". We thank everyone who came out to participate as well as those that came just to watch and cheer them all on...A fun time was had by all! Also thanks to Local Radio Station 91.9 WNTI for coming out and MCing for us. Mark your calenders for next year...Labor Day Weekend!!!
We also want to thank the Mayor and Council and other members of the Byram Township Municipal Offices for coming out and joining us for our "Grand Opening"....This really is a great town not just to live in, but to do business in....So thanks to them for welcoming us to the town!!
1 comment:
You da man D-Dawg!
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