WARSTEINER Premium Verum is the #1 selling beer in Germany. It is also one of the fastest growing imports in the US. Currently there are over 33,000 draft accounts worldwide.
WARSTEINER Premium Verum is a pilsner beer with a smooth, full-bodied taste and a refreshing hop finish and no aftertaste. There are no chemicals, additives, or preservatives in any WARSTEINER products.
Brewed according to the German Purity Law of 1516
4.8% alcohol by volume
All WARSTEINER products are non-pasteurized
this a one of a kind beer. Subtle malt notes start this beer off and it finishes with just the right amount of hops to balance it off.
St. John's Brewers "Tropical Mango Pale Ale"
I know, I know, for all of you hard-core beer fanatics this is a bit of a stretch, but if you're looking for just a cool refreshing fresh beer on a warm summer day...this is it!
This a one of a kind beer. Subtle malt notes start this beer off and it finishes with just the right amount of hops to balance it off.
Tropical Mango Pale Ale is a light pale ale with a mango fruit essence that no matter where you are enjoying one it will bring you to a Caribbean state of mind.
We also still have the Rogue "American Pale Ale", and the Long Trail "Belgian White".
A few words of advice-- let someone else pick your beer, because, honestly, you're not very good at it. There are a lot of beer snobs out there, but there is an enormous general consensus as to what is good, and what's bad. You, unfortunately, keep leaning towards the 'bad'.
We love your beer selections Brad, and the fact that you run special beers every week keeps the place exciting (amongst everything else you guys are doing). Keep up the good work, and don't listen to the "haters".
There's a difference between 'haters' and poor beer selection. The tropical Mango Pale Ale is horrible, and anyone with a mildly decent knowledge/pallet for beer would confirm this. It would be one thing if the selections were good, but these just seem to be getting worse and worse.
Just wanted to point out that there is a difference between guys who enjoy beer and the pretentious wieners who bitch about your beer selection. If you can't find one out of 50 to enjoy you are just looking for something to whine about. I would like to suggest renaming the "Salty Dog" the "Beer Wiener"...
Since people on here apparently know nothing, let's take a small review of the 'tropical mango ale'
A- Poured a very light amber body with very little head.
S- Very little in the nose, but there is a faint trace of tropical fruit undertones.
T- Very little, unfortunately. Reminds me of one of those watered down fruit flavored drinks that they sell in milk jugs at the supermarket for 99 cents, just with a tiny bit of graininess to it. There is some mango in the background but no malt or hop character to speak of.
M- This is like drinking beer flavored water, as in watered down to the point where this would have been a drain pour if not for beer etiquette. Sorry, but I have to say stay away from this one folks.
D- This brew barely qualifies as beer. Though the ultra light body makes it easy to down six of these in a sitting, the complete lack of flavor and character is such that I could not imagine anyone wanting to do so. Note that this is not due to any prejudice against the style of the brew; there are many fruit/vegetable beers that are very impressive and which I will return to faithfully. This is just not one of them.
Oh thank you all knowing beer God....wat wud awl of us peeple hu no nuthing hav dun withowt yer help. Get over yourself! Some of us appreciate what Brad and all are doing over there. And I agree with the other commentor, if you can't find something on a list of 50 some odd beers, maybe you should stay home and drink with yourself. Whiner!
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