Bye Jennifer! This actually shocked the hell out of me. Though I think their dish sucked, and they really had the opportunity to do something incredible with orange/asparagus/turned-on. They blew it! No pun intended. Another thing is, how did they find Jennifer to be more responible for the shitty dish than Stepanie? But at least they used the ingredients that were chosen. Lisa and Antonia on the other hand didn't even use the main ingredient of their challenge. And Lisa's attitude just sucks; just kind of bitchy/whiny/not fair attitude...go home!
Start with the quick fire challenge..... My picks for "suck" or at least "weak" were Lisa-just seemed real lame and amateur; fruit/yogurt/fried wonton skin, Andrew-weak, banana-chocolate ravioli topped with sugar...Mark-he seems to go off on these composed dishes, and they never seem to work for him. Though i did like Richards banana-scallops.
All of that being said...Every week it gets re-enforced how much I can't stand Andrew, and I could not even imagine working with this ass-wipe in a kitchen. I have really grown to dis-like Lisa, just way to defensive and combative about EVERYTHING! and looking at everything as being unfair or fixed("I'm not going to use some ingredient that some drunken schmuck shouts out"). Mark I think has yet to bring much of anything to the table. Antonia I don't get at all, just don't see her bringing anything to the show, entertainment nor talent. Nikki I think is just hanging by the skin of her teeth....Leaving us with Stephanie, Richard, Dale and Spike, whom I think all bring something to the show....They are all talented and all bring some sort of entertainment value....so there are my Top 4! Next week my pick for saying bye bye has got to be Mark!
So much more to say, but I'm tired tonight!
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